Membership Portfolio Review Summer 2024
Application Deadline June 1.
Membership in the CSP is open to artists from anywhere in the world who create hand-pulled prints. This includes artists who use traditional printmaking techniques, such as etching, lithography, relief printing, and silk screen. It also includes artists who make hybrid prints, monoprints, print installations and artist books, so long as some hand printmaking is involved. Artists who use solely photographic or digital methods are not eligible for artist membership.
Artist and Student Members are juried into the organization by a review committee of current and past members of the CSP Board.
This year’s deadline is June 1, 2024.
Results announced between June 30–July 15.
Information on Membership and Artist & Student application criteria may be found here.
For more information and to Apply: CSP Submittable page.
Next Deadline Dec. 1.