Call for Social Justice Vision Quilt Panels!

In 2015, CSP member, Cathy DeForest, started Vision Quilt, a national nonprofit committed to empowering communities to create solutions to gun violence through the power of art and inclusive dialogue. People ages 3–96 have made Vision Quilt panels. Vision Quilt has worked in the Oakland schools and community for the past 4 years.
Active Vision Quilt volunteers are exploring ways to duplicate panels, weather proofing them and hanging them around Lake Merritt and making them into yard signs! The most recent panels were created by the SF Poster Syndicate and are shown here.
If you wish to donate a panel to the project it will be exhibited widely and become part of the website’s Virtual Quilt.
Each panel needs to be printed on fabric or canvas– not paper.
Here is a short video Cathy created for artists in Kansas City during the pandemic sheltering in place:
For more information, contact Cathy.
Thanks! Cathy DeForest, Executive Director